Ebb - meaning and definition. What is Ebb
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What (who) is Ebb - definition

EBB; Ebb (disambiguation)

·noun The European bunting.
II. Ebb ·vt To cause to flow back.
III. Ebb ·adj Receding; going out; falling; shallow; low.
IV. Ebb ·vi To flow back; to return, as the water of a tide toward the ocean;
- opposed to flow.
V. Ebb ·noun The state or time of passing away; a falling from a better to a worse state; low state or condition; decline; decay.
VI. Ebb ·noun The reflux or flowing back of the tide; the return of the tidal wave toward the sea;
- opposed to flood; as, the boats will go out on the ebb.
VII. Ebb ·vi To return or fall back from a better to a worse state; to Decline; to Decay; to Recede.
¦ noun the movement of the tide out to sea.
¦ verb
1. (of tidewater) move away from the land; recede. Compare with flow.
2. (often ebb away) (of an emotion or quality) gradually decrease.
at a low ebb in a poor state.
OE ebba (n.), ebbian (v.), of W. Gmc origin; ult. related to of.
I. n.
Regression, regress, retrocession, retrogression, reflux, refluence, return.
Decline, decay, deterioration, degeneration, degeneracy, caducity, wane, waning.
Decrease, diminution, abatement, decrement, subsidence.
II. v. n.
Recede, retire, flow back.
Decline, decrease, decay, wane, sink, fall away.



Ebb or EBB may refer to:

Examples of use of Ebb
1. I watch the ebb and the flow of other passengers.
2. His shoulders drooped and all life seemed to ebb.
3. I‘m understanding there‘s a strong northerly ebb tide.
4. And then one day, the positive sentiment starts to ebb.
5. I feel slightly queasy staring at the ebb and flow.